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[ NL | FR ]



As a language teacher in higher education, founder Bob Muyllaert (too) frequently came in contact with poorly written texts that were unacceptable as source materials for his courses.

Personal and business contacts often asked him to rework or translate their texts because they were not happy with the work that others had done.
He rapidly built up a loyal customer base and soon saw the need to set up his own language centre.

In 1996, the one-man business became a limited company with over ten employees. In 2004, due to excessive infrastructure costs, the company reverted to its original form as a one-man business but with the support of a network of professional freelancers. For tax reasons, the one-man business became a SCS (GCV), in which Sophie and Bruno were included as partners.


What does Europrofs stands for?
In two words: Speed and Quality.
We strive to deliver the highest level of quality within the given timeframe.

The name Europrofs stands for:

Translations, sworn and non-sworn
We only translate from and into Dutch, French, English, German and Spanish. However, we are happy to help you find translators and interpreters in all other language combinations, whether or not they are sworn translators and interpreters;
Our translations are highly professional;

How does Europrofs distingiush itself from other language centres?

* Price per character, not per line
* Strict adherence to deadlines
* Delivery via email, post or courier
* Native speakers of the target language
* Sworn translations in Dutch, French and English
* Use of correct register and jargon
* No minimum rate – not even for very short translations – except for sworn translations

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